Was ist philosophische Praxis? (I) (II) (III)


Montag, 6. Januar 2025

Deconstruction Music_____al Experience


Deconstruction      Music_____al       Experience


Deconstruction   Music   Deconstruction    Musical   Experience   Deconstruction


Music today, --- revolutionary, modern, popular or even now cliché?



Because this year (2025) and the year before (2024) a whole series of philosophical talks ( in our Philosophical Practice in Vienna ) on the topic of Deconstruction Music Deconstruction Musical Experience Deconstruction is running/being performed (this time in German with jazz students from Switzerland, the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, Australia and Italy), here is the text published last year (January 2024 only in English) slightly modified and supplemented with information on practice in English and from today also available in German. (cf. link)


Deconstruction   Music   Deconstruction    Musical   Experience   Deconstruction


Music today, --- revolutionary, modern, popular or even now cliché? Music deconstruction    Musical experience deconstruction



                                                                    Gerhard Kaučić

Philosopher, Feminist, Mediator, Author, Freerider, born 1959, Dr. phil., age 66, 2025



Associate in the grammatological philosophical Practice since 2009 in Vienna and beyond


                                                              Anna Lydia Huber

Philosophin, Feministin, Mediatorin, Autorin, Freerider:in, geboren 1959, MSc, Alter 66, 2025




                                        To contact us, please use only these emails:


                                   g.kaucic[at]chello[dot]at   or   gack[at]chello[dot]at




The musical experience and its political, social and philosophical-grammatological implications and presuppositions




Mobile Version (lesen  ohne Teaser und Footer):




Musikalische Erfahrung und ihre politischen, gesellschaftlichen und philosophisch-grammatologischen Implikationen und Voraussetzungen




Mobile Version (lesen  ohne Teaser und Footer):



Music deconstruction    Musical experience deconstruction




 Mobile Version (lesen  ohne Teaser und Footer):




Beethoven heute Beethoven seinerzeit


 „Ist“ Beethovens Musik?


 Revolutionär, modern, populär oder gar inzwischen Klischee?


 Musik Text Beethoven Moderne Postmoderne







Philosophischer Salon Gerhard Kaučić & Anna Lydia Huber

Film Denken



Mobile Version (ohne Teaser):




Philosophischer Salon Gerhard Kaučić Djay PhilPrax & Anna Lydia Huber Gasometer Wien


Philosophical Lounge / Philosophischer Salon G Kaucic & AL Huber Vienna, Austria, - Gerhard Kaučić (*1959), head of a philosophical practice for 36 years in Vienna ( 1989-2025 ff.)



To contact us, please use only these emails:


g.kaucic[at]chello[dot]at or gack[at]chello.at



Narratives, Reports, Analyses, Reflections from the Practice/from my/our Philosophical Practice



Vienna 36 years of practice jubilee (1989-2025 ff.) jubilee 36 years PP 2025



PHILOSOPHICAL PRACTICE Gerhard Kaučić (Dr. phil., b. 1959) & Anna Lydia Huber (MSc, b. 1959) VIENNA AUSTRIA  EUROPE


Music deconstruction    Musical experience deconstruction


Music today, --- revolutionary, modern, popular or even now cliché?


                 Music    Education Culture Politics     Text    


Beethoven's Ninth (200 years May 2024)






Schönberg (150 years September 2024)








            Revolutionary, modern, popular or even now cliché?



An addition, a supplement, a repetition, - a philosophical practice yesterday, today and tomorrow


Gerhard Kaučić (*1959), head/director of a Philosophical Practice for 36 years in Vienna (1989-2025 ff.)


[ Conversations, analysis, discourse, problematization, identity dislocation, subjectivation, formalization, folding, complication, aporia, deconstruction


Gerhard Kaučić Djay PhilPrax, Philosopher, Writer, Feminist,  experienced practised music Listener and relevant Reader for 50 years, Freerider, Philosophical Practice, Vienna, PP since 1989, Dr. phil.


Gerhard Kaučić (born 1959), Philosopher, philosophical Practitioner 1989 ff., grammatologist, author, feminist, translator, cyclist, freerider, ecomobilist, the philosopher as cyclist, the philosopher as freerider,  the philosopher as circulator, the philosopher as mover, the philosopher as scout ........   trace....... Trace ........  ]



At the same time we think the impossible and that (this >at the same time<) is the impossible! (Derrida, Donner le temps I)    



Music deconstruction    Musical experience deconstruction


Music today, --- revolutionary, modern, popular or even now cliché?



It is a fact - concert music and opera have become (in contrast to the 19th century) a rather peripheral matter of political life today.


No streaming platforms, no YouTube and no Internet help here either.


We need to deepen the horizon of the musical experience if we want to talk about music and music history as a social history and thus think about it. We must open up access to ways of listening that are located in history and in the respective culture beyond music.


We must make the political, social and philosophical implications of music visible. Music is not an independent closed circuit of aesthetic phenomena and its stylistic characteristics, instrumentation, arrangements, performance practices etc. are not independent of other social force fields of the past and present.


In particular, the economies, the media and the ever-present techniques, including their culturalisation between the power blocks of politics, capitalism, state, society, mediatisation, science, religion, class society, power relations and the state of industrialisation.


Using Vienna as an example, Western musical culture from the Baroque to modern and postmodern times - from Haydn and Mozart in the mid-18th century to Schönberg  ( 13.09.1874 Wien -  13.07.1951 Los Angeles, 2024, 150th anniversary, P.s. see footnoteY  ), Krenek and Berg in the first half of the 20th century, to Clemens Gadenstätter, Bernhard Lang, Olga Neuwirth and many others in the second half of the 20th century and the first two decades of the 21st century - shows us a very rare opportunity for our thinking to access our European and Austrian past via musical creation, and especially the self-image of today's Vienna. The arts bear witness to us and our best values for freedom and sociality as well as the possibility of growing beyond ourselves.




[ To what extent does Schoenberg speak of himself as a "freetone composer" and not of "atonality " or twelve-tone composer?

Schönberg rejects the fighting term "atonality", - he speaks of himself as a "free toner"!

Arnold Schönberg described himself as a "free toner" to describe his musical task. This term is associated with the development from free atonality to twelve-tone technique.

In the phase of free “atonality”, which Schönberg practised from around 1907, he broke with traditional tonal structures. The contrast between consonance and dissonance is cancelled. A continuum of different tonal colours emerges. The reference to a fundamental tone is abandoned. Tones and sounds stand in a new, non-repeatable relationship to one another.

Schönberg introduced the twelve-tone technique in order to transform free atonality into a bound form. In this technique, each score is based on a twelve-note row that contains each note of the tempered scale once. The choice and arrangement of this row is at the composer's discretion. The twelve-tone technique opened up new possibilities for musical structuring and Schönberg had a significant influence on a wide range of musicians. Overall, Schönberg revolutionised the world of music with his radical approach to tonality, creating a new approach to musical experience as a phenomenon of musical complexity and the lust effects of listening. The human body recognises itself as a body of pleasure and as a body of pain (cf. Freud!,- for more on this, see below in the depths and lengths of our posting or our blog/weblog) ]


Sounds today are quotations, clichés, semantic objects, not mere series of structurable parameters. The extreme case today is the recontextualisation of often only minimal change into a "new" work. Almost a real readymade.


Particularly frequent is the transformation from other media into the music and the playing of different soundtracks by means of various machines ( Miles Davis already played revolutionary in his 1969 album "Bitches Brew", called Fusion Jazz, before him also Frank Zappa, influences from Woodstock to Stockhausen were mentioned as decisive for this; cf. esp. J Dilla, James Dewitt Yancey, auch Jay Dee gerufen, 1974 – 2006, also great influence especially on jazz musicians ).

Sampling and other similar digital techniques spread all over the globe, only the concert halls are largely unimpressed by them.  This is also a major reason for the marginalisation of these traditional music businesses. The sailing ships among today's high-tech boats.


Cage as father figure of all these developments. Collage, bricolage, assemblage, remix, sampling, patch-work, mash-up, intertextuality, texture ...


The Internet, collage, the art of the future and the art of the present. Availability of the audio archives of the world. Democracy as a pre-condition. Postmodernism, the possibility of participation for all. Art and enlightenment, the intellectual light of the world. The deconstruction of Derrida.  


Understanding Beethoven and/or understanding Beethoven's music? Along the discourses of the last 300 years between the representatives of programmatic music on the one hand and those of absolute music on the other.


The almost eternal question: Do Beethoven's instrumental music have an "extra-musical" meaning or do they have no such meaning?


The group of absolute music (Hanslick, Schönberg, Pfitzner, Schenker, Adorno) works in the conviction that Beethoven's work has been withdrawn from understanding by the dominant post-Wagnerian "Beethoven image"(!).


What role(s) does music play within the great social discourses of the 19th and 20th centuries.


How does music work and why does it become popular?


For clarification, a large sociological discourse on the bourgeois European institutions, the clients, the musical rhetorical traditions and the increasing participation of amateurs as well as the industrialization of music is needed.


Likewise, there is a need to include discourses on the philosophy of language (keywords: F. Schlegel, F. Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Husserl, Saussure, Marshall McLuhan, Heidegger, W. Benjamin, Th. W. Adorno, P. de Man, R. Barthes, Cynthia Chase, W. Hamacher, Anselm Haverkamp, H. Blumenberg, J. Derrida) on the unambiguity and ambiguity of word and music.


It is thus also about our field, which Kierkegaard had already touched on in the 19th century - about the process of reading (cf. especially  Herbert Marshall McLuhan, Paul de Man and first of all you read Jacques Derrida) and the relationship between author, reader and medium.


Education expanded considerably after 1830, especially musical education. General knowledge and musical knowledge developed in parallel.


Kierkegaard wanted to learn to understand consciousness through patterns of repetition. According to Kierkegaard, consciousness arises from contradictory relationships between a so-called ideal sphere and the external(!) reality, which collided in consciousness. This would result in the experience of repetition, which would require that the event must have already appeared once in reality(!).


Note that Kierkegaard speaks without Freud!


Repetition makes people happy, says Kierkegaard. Memory makes them restless.


But Kierkegaard knows almost Freudian that there can be no pure repetition.


In the psychoanalytical literature, the concept of repetition, the concept of the compulsion to repeat, and in general the various phenomena of repetition are discussed problematically and in a very diverse way.


Also in Freud's writing "Beyond the pleasure principle" (1920) itself.


For the time being, the following applies to us here in general: repetition phenomena for the benefit of the ego are working off mechanisms whose task it is to resolve tensions by changing the inner(!) conditions (cf. Bibring, E.: The conception of the repetition compulsion).


Discourses, analyses, descriptions, critiques, explanations inevitably always fall under the category "commentary".


Comments are always something added. They try to approach a thing, an event, an institution, an action, in short, a text in any form, even if it is music. Comments try to suspend something. This always fails. Comments create a displacement, a repression as well. And with time they often cover up the thing itself.




The "commentary" limits the open semantic game with the means of identity, repetition and the temptation to represent the same. In this way it makes itself a mechanism of control and order by restricting and delimiting discourse and trying to establish unambiguity.


A translation is never a replacement ! Every setting is already a translation of the thought and the unthought. A translation changes the place, shifts and changes and is thus always a different text.


Only an approximate signified can be saved over(!) this way.


Every reading ( even "conversations" must be read! ) must first produce a significant structure.


There is no criterion for the identity of the meaning of an expression: the interpretation becomes in the scientific sense a matter of undecidability, which does not mean that one could and should not temporarily quasi-fix and evaluate it in a passagere consent of many readers.


So-called "islands of understanding" of temporary text configurations!


Understanding also in the sense of: a small or larger group of discourse participants "stands"(!) temporarily on temporarily secured "understanding" - or understanding - ground!


This reason for understanding, this "territory" of limited (temporally and spatially) understanding, the image of temporary text configurations, the image of standing behind the mirror as "standing" in the mirror, - a mirror of distortions and performances, a mirror of originally unoriginal transformations, - a mirror that gives off the image (! ) for our language, - our language as graphically marked poetics of communication, - literally ! (See J. Derrida, La dissémination, p. 350 and passim)


The commentary sets the author as the supreme principle of the order of discourse (vg. M. Foucault, Ordnung des Diskurses) and generates its authorities.


"We"(!) represent the task of disseminal critical communication as an open text of a writing, escaping exegesis and the re-presentation of the commentary.


The task is also to be expressed in such a way that "the speech is first as good and then better understood as its author" (Schleiermacher, Hermeneutik und Kritik, p. 94).


For us, the only critique to be accepted is the permanently critical critique, i.e. a permanently deconstructing critique whose object is the writable of the text, a permanently multiplying text.


"A signifier is, from the outset, the possibility of its own repetition, its own image or its similarity to itself. This is the condition of its ideality. What identifies it as a signifier and as such gives it its function and relates it to a signified can never be a 'unique and special reality' for the same reasons. From the moment the sign appears, that is, from ever since, there is no possibility of finding the pure 'reality', 'uniqueness', and 'specialness'.” (Derrida, Grammatology, p. 165, germ. ed.)


The authority of the Logos, the commentary, the dominion of the interpretation of scripture nailed to its origins has for some time been exposed to the critical criticism of deconstruction and thus the chance of democracy in the coming (Derrida).


All this points to a radical possibility that cannot be thought of by any single science or abstract discipline (Derrida, Grammatologie, 168f., german edition).


Intertextuality and the underlying multiplicity of codes is in principle unlimited and cannot be limited.The resulting deconstructive textualities and their connotation texture cannot be included or even determined by any context.


The “text” has ceased to be an object in itself. The permanently absent presence of

I n t e r t e x t u a l i t y (this applies to every text, and has done since time immemorial), in which the power of the break with its contexts as a sum of never fully present presences has always been structurally immanent in every sign of writing, has always determined writing - writing without origin and destination (arche, telos).




Practice of  d i f f é r a n c e ! ! !




One thing is clearly true of Beethoven's music: Beethoven's music provided a framework for the experienced past (or what one might think of as such!), for aesthetic repetition, subjective impressions, educated imagination and its associations and their extra-musical levels of meaning.


Whether the last decades of research have been able to bring us closer to Beethoven in Nietzsche's sense remains to be seen.


One thing is also clear: new future generations of listeners should learn to distinguish between historical Beethoven and the traditional (!) reception. And that means: read read read read!


The different ways of reading have become inherent in the music itself(!).


Performers and composers should be knowledgeable(!) and at the same time not hide behind scientific and philosophical literature.


Each one may interpret, inspire and be passionately fascinating and intrigued.


It is a very long way to the appropriation of what we call our own history. Have the courage to ever adequately appropriate appropriation.


Have the courage to deconstruct.


Please read about this and beyond:


a) For the birds John Cage in conversation with Daniel Charles. Merve Verlag, Berlin, 1984 (Original French, Paris 1976).


b) Daniel Charles: Periods Performance Music Aesthetics. Merve Verlag, Berlin, 1989.


c) Ivanceanu/Schweikhardt: KKK Art. Sound. War XMedia by Vintila Ivanceanu and Josef Schweikhardt, Passagen Verlag, Vienna 2008.




As a passionate listener with an acoustically formed ear and sensitive senses in general, and especially as a reader ( ! see above ! ), allow me, at the provisional end of my few lines of memoir on some philosophical Prater walks with guests in connection with our grammatological philosophical practice in Vienna, to give you an interesting literature tip on music and Beethoven:


Leon Botstein: The Memory of Modernism. From Beethoven to Berg. Vienna, Zsolnay Verlag, 2013 (translated from English by Sven Hiemke)


As an introduction to our PPs, I recommend the short essay by Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf: Der Strukturbegriff der musikalischen Dekonstruktion, - easy to find on the Internet! (published as pdf on August 09, 2021 in German, 19 pages)

Url or link: https://www.claussteffenmahnkopf.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Mahnkopf-Der-Strukturbegriff-der-musikalischen-Dekonstruktion.pdf




                                                         Beethoven heute             Beethoven seinerzeit


„Ist“ Beethovens Musik?


Revolutionär, modern, populär oder gar inzwischen Klischee?


Musik Text Beethoven Moderne Postmoderne





(( Translation into English, Gerhard Kaučić (Dr. phil., born 1959, Age 66, 2025, PP 1989 ff,)


European Philosopher, Writer, Feminist, deconstructed Hegelian, Translator, Mediator, Freerider, Bicycle Traveller, Enduro Biker, Ecomobilist, Survivor, Philosophical Practitioner/Practical Philosophy, Analytical Philosophy of Language, Deconstruction, Philosophical Practice  Vienna Austria Europe ))




Our score for the polyphony, heterophony and unlimited polyphony of postmodernism:


One of several foundational texts: 'The Voice and the Phenomenon' (Derrida)




Gerhard Anna Cončić-Kaučić, born 1959, Schriftsteller:in/Writer, Vienna/Wien.


Performances only after express consultation with the author and publisher!


Title by Gerhard Anna Cončić-Kaučić published by Wiener Passagen Verlag:


a little teaser before you start reading/ Quote from our old homepage




1) In German

>>  Offener "Brief"

"Be-denken" Sie jedes Wort. "Schweigen Exil List" unsere Devise unsere Wahl unser Joyce jenseits von Sackgassen wie Politik Kunst Religion. Großes Lachen in der Verschiebung & Verdichtung die Mobilität der Syntax

"... einen Text als Text ablesen können, ohne eine Interpretation dazwischen zu mengen, ist die späteste Form der > inneren Erfahrung < - vielleicht eine kaum mögliche ..." ( Nietzsche, Aus dem Nachlaß der Achtzigerjahre; in: Werke III, hg. v. Karl Schlechta, Mch. 1969, S.805)

Worte an Verleger, Rezensenten und andere LiteraturvermittlerInnen

Der Gedanke an den "nahen" Tod, auch wenn er noch ein ( 1 ), zwei (2) oder mehr kurze Jahrzehnte auf sich warten lassen sollte, läßt mich/uns "Abstand" nehmen von Veranstaltungen allgemeiner Art wie Präsentationen Kongressen Symposien et cetera.

Vielleicht "sagen" Sie das den anwesend "sein" werdenden JournalistInnen. Autor sein muß nicht heißen Literaturmanagement und in unserem Fall ganz gewiß nicht.

Autor-Sein "bedeutet" so etwas wie "Gott-sein" (vgl. Thot).

Ich gebe/gibt "Text". Von Fall zu Fall diesem "Stimme"; nie aber bloß "Gesicht", pré-"face", Präsenz.

Im ff. ein paar "plakative" Hinweise.

Vielleicht wollen Sie Kopien an die anwesenden Literaturvermittler verteilen und verweisen Sie auf das "Vorwort" von Sem I.

Oder wollen Sie das vielleicht selbst verlautbaren, dort ? wenn ich in aller gebotenen Kürze Sie auf das Vorwort, die Vorrede von Sem I verweisen darf. (And to the preface by Sem V !!!)

Füttern Sie die JournalistInnen damit, lesen Sie es Ihnen sogar vor; verweisen Sie sie auf die Abschnitte der Dissemination von J. Derrida über das Vorwort und auf die einschlägigen Abschnitte in "Grammatotechne als Grammatologie der `Herzgewächse´ oder von der Inkommunikabilität"

Nehmen Sie und die JournalistInnen die Wörter ernst, dann "erkennen" sie das Programm Semeion Aoristicon I -VII (s. Vorwort). Das sollte genügen. Dann die Lektüre.

Im übrigen: die "Unauffindbarkeit des Subjekts"

Legen Sie Sem I, II, III, an unsere Stelle. Sub-Version eines sub-spekten Subiect.

Autor GACK mit freundlichen Grüßen

P.S. Vielleicht lesen Sie auch das "einfach" (vor), wahrscheinlich wenden Sie jetzt Ihr Ohr ab, trotzdem: die Vorrede das préface, das was vor dem Gesicht (=face) ist, schaun Sie lesen Sie und Sie lesen immer nur die Vorrede, das préface, das alles ist.

 Das Gesicht, das Ge-sicht sehen Sie nie.

Das vollständig aufgelöste Subjekt im Spiegel: Sem I, II, III jenseits aller Literatur Sem I, II, III ff. lesen Sie das vor dem "Gesicht" der JournalistInnen im "Auftrag" des "Autor" "GACK" face á face

die Intrige der plot

Inspektor Sem und seine Fam/ilie öffnen alle Wortkoffer, sie werden verfolgt und sind selber auf der richtigen Spur;

das Verbergen Verheimlichen Maskieren, die Maske die Prosopopöie, die Ent-stellung; sämtliche Tricks eines Inspektors und ehemaligen Privatdetektivs; der Fall der Fälle gelangt zur Lösung Erlösung;

durch Sem Schaun und seine "Fa/milie"


"Plakat" zur Präsentation:

"Lesen" Sie die Zusammenhänge von Sex und Religion

"Schaun" Sie Sem I

"Lesen" Sie die Zusammenhänge von Literatur und Schrift

"Schaun" Sie Sem II

"Lesen" Sie die Zusammenhänge von Wissenschaft und Gewalt

"Schaun" Sie Sem III


und vor allem: das "sexuelle" Thema der Urszene, die Inskription, die Einschreibung des Sexuellen in der Rede, Religion, Politik, Kunst und Wissenschaft; die "Geste" des Subjekts in der Sprachhalt(er)ung der Schrift der Abyss der Gesellschaft Sem Schauns Lachen und Heiterkeit

"Ein Text ist nur dann ein Text, wenn er dem ersten Blick,..., das Gesetz seiner Zusammensetzung und die Regel seines Spiels verbirgt. Ein Text bleibt im übrigen stets unwahrnehmbar."


"Die Verschleierung der Textur kann durchaus Jahrhunderte erfordern ihr Gewebe (toile) freizulegen." Derrida, Platons Pharmazie, in: Dissemination, S.71 (Wien 1995, Passagen Verlag)

( über ) Dekonstruktion kann man nicht sprechen man/frau muß "sie "(entweder) lesen. <<



2) in English

>> >> Open “Letter”

“Think” every word. “Silence exile cunning” our motto our choice our Joyce beyond dead ends like politics art religion. Big laugh in the displacement & condensation the mobility of syntax

“... to be able to read a text as a text, without mixing an interpretation in between, is the latest form of > inner experience < - perhaps an almost impossible one ...” ( Nietzsche, Aus dem Nachlaß der Achtzigerjahre; in: Werke III, ed. by Karl Schlechta, Mch. 1969, S.805)

Words to publishers, reviewers and other literary agents

The thought of “imminent” death, even if it should still be one ( 1 ), two (2) or more short decades away, makes me/us “ keep my/our distance” from events of a general nature such as presentations, congresses, symposia etc.


Perhaps you “tell” this to the journalists who will “be” present. Being an author does not have to mean literature management and in our case it certainly does not. Being an author “means” something like “being God” (cf. Thot). I give/gives “text”. From case to case this text “voice”; but never merely “face”, pré-“face”, presence.


A few “striking” references in the ff. Perhaps you would like to distribute copies to the literary mediators present and refer them to the “Preface” of Sem I. (And to the preface by Sem V !!!)


Or perhaps you would like to announce this yourself, there ? if I may refer you in all due brevity to the foreword, the preface of Sem I. Feed it to the journalists, even read it to them; refer them to the sections of J. Derrida's dissemination on the preface and to the relevant sections in


Grammatotechne as the grammatology of the 'heart plants' or of incommunicability


If you and the journalists take the words seriously, then you will “recognize” the program Semeion Aoristicon I -VII (see preface). That should be enough. Then the reading.


Incidentally: the “untraceability of the subject” Put Sem I, II, III, instead of us, in our place. Sub-version of a sub-specified subiect.


Author GACK with kind regards


P.S. Perhaps you also read the “simply” (before) probably you now turn away your ear, nevertheless: the preface, the préface, that which is before the face (=face), you read and you always read only the preface, the préface, which is everything.

You never see the face, what you see.

The completely dissolved subject in the mirror: Sem I, II, III beyond all literature Sem I, II, III ff. read this in front of the “face” of the journalists on “behalf” of the “author” “GACK” face á face


the intrigue of the plot


Inspector Sem and his family open all the word cases they are pursued and are on the right track themselves; the hiding concealing masking, the mask the prosopopoeia, the de-position;

all the tricks of an inspector and former private detective; the case of cases reaches its solution redemption;

through Sem Schaun and his “fa/mily”


“poster” for presentation


“Read” the connections between sex and religion

“ Show” Sem I

“Read” the connections between literature and writing

“ View” Sem II

“Read” the connections between science and violence

“ Examine” Sem III


and above all: of  the “sexual” theme primal scene, the “sexual” theme of the primal scene the inscription, the inscription of the sexual in speech, religion, politics, art and science;


the “gesture” of the subject in the linguistic posture of writing the abyss of society Sem Schaun's laughter and merriment


“A text is only a text if it conceals from the first glance... the law of its composition and the rule of its play.


A text always remains imperceptible.”


“The concealment of the texture may well require centuries to uncover its fabric (toile).” Derrida, Plato's Pharmacy, in: Dissemination, p.71 (Vienna 1995, Passagen Verlag)


( about ) deconstruction one cannot speak one must read “it/her ”. << <<




-           /S/E/M/EI/ON/ /A/OR/IST/I/CON V oder zur Autobiographie Sem Schauns. 2007 [Autor]



-           S/E/M/EI/O/N/ /A/OR/IST/I/CON IV oder zur Autobiographie Sem Schauns. 2002 [Autor]



-           S/E/M/EI/O/N/ /A/OR/IST/I/CON III oder zur Autobiographie Sem Schauns. 1996 [Autor]



-           S/E/M/EI/O/N/ /A/OR/IST/I/CON I oder zur Autobiographie Sem Schauns. 1995 [Autor]



-           S/E/M/EI/O/N/ /A/OR/IST/I/CON II oder zur Autobiographie Sem Schauns. 1994 [Autor]



Passagen Verlag Wien/Vienna

Title from:


Gerhard Anna Cončić-Kaučić




cf. also:


Gerhard Anna Cončić-Kaučić


Covid 19 Roman Text Welt Gedicht




 Adventure Philosophy! AN ANNIVERSARY EVERY YEAR / LIVING CONSCIOUSLY EVERY YEAR ............... Adventure Philosophy ....... Adventure Life !!!


............................................. Grammatological practice, philosophical practice, philosophy, what is philosophy, understanding, desire, knotting, knots of life and writing and of life as writing, semiology becomes grammatology, philosophy as science, differ/a/nce, Socratism as stultification, theoria as the highest form of practice. .......................................................


 Writing (cf. teaser), language, the sentence, the word. Every sentence is a leap!


Personal history and general history; language consciousness unconsciousness; what does this have to do with general history, experience, phenomenology (e.g. that of Merleau-Ponty), desire (e.g. Freud, e.g. Lacan, e.g. Melanie Klein), processing, reality, "psychic reality" (Freud) (?!) ..............................................................




Sprache, Denken, Philosophie, Ubw: ............. Gastfreundschaft Philosophische Praxis ......




……………………………………………………………………….. Gastfreundschaft Philosophische Praxis ……………………………………………………………………. ich versuche

............................................................................... I try to explain why I answer requests for lectures, seminars or discussions permanently and persistently (almost) in the negative; my grammatological philosophical practice requires deconstruction. ............................................................................................................................................................ And this requires ruthlessness, independence and the utmost attention! .......................................................................................................................................................................To a person to whom you want to be able to listen and whose words you want to be able to perceive, in all openness, to such a person you should want to and be able to develop a love, a passion, or at least an affection.


The body should not only not be ignored, but should be perceived and valued with an open mind - in all its frailty, fragility and vulnerability! ........................................................................................................................................................................................................Body also means voice, color of voice, tone of voice, rhythm, tempo, gesture, movement, face, eyes, looks, expression, etc. ............................................................. the body is something beautiful, - ............... .............................................................


(art shows us the body, as do traditional tribal cultures in Africa, Australia and America; people enjoy the body as text and often "describe" it with tattoos), ............................................................., - today


and in earlier cultures. .............................................................


The body is the basis for any structurality of successful intellectual intimacy of any philosophical practice as conversation.




Grammatological Philosophical Practice, Gerhard Kaucic / Djay PhilPrax & Anna Lydia Huber Vienna


                                          Philosophical practitioners, grammatologists, authors, cyclists, ecomobilists, the philosopher as cyclist, the philosopher as bicyclist, the philosopher as traveler, the philosopher as agitated and mover, the philosopher as scout ....... track ....... trace .......       Grammatology   ...    Deconstruction


 Freerider, enduro biker (s works), mountain biker, touring cyclist, Gerhard Kaučić / Djay PhilPrax (*1959), philosopher, , - philosophical practitioner, grammatologist, writer, author, - cyclist, mountain biker, racing cyclist, folding bike cyclist, ecomobilist, -


the philosopher as cyclist, the philosopher as bicyclist, the philosopher as traveler, the philosopher as agitated and mover, the philosopher as scout ....... track ....... trace .......   Grammatology ..........     Deconstruction



If you are interested in a PP (Philosophical Practice) with me, please reserve an appointment only under this email: To contact us, please use only this email: gack[at]chello.at



Philosophers, Writers, Philosophical Practitioners, Mediators, Translators, Feminists, Freeriders, (Wild) Camping Enthusiasts, Survivors




Philosophical Practice weltweit … rund um die Uhr … rund um die Welt, ... „face à face“, … confidential one-to-one conversation, … around the clock … around the world


Grammatological Philosophical Practice Dr. Gerhard Kaucic / Djay PhilPrax ( born 1959, author, philosopher, PP since 1989 ) Conversation, analysis, discourse, problematization, identity dislocation, subjectivation, formalization, folding, complication, aporia, deconstruction


Opening hours:  Mon - Fri:  11 a.m. - 8 p.m.


 Charge by arrangement


Conversations outdoor/indoor: grammatologies, contextualizations, analyses, complications, plurivalences, dependencies, interdependencies, grammars, aporias, deconstruction...around the clock...around the world...

...around the clock ...around the world...




cf. Jacques Derrida, Signatur Ereignis Kontext, - in: Randgänge der Philosophie, Vienna 1988, pp. 291-314 ( original French edition: Marges de la philosophie, Paris 1972 )


Translation into English, Gerhard Kaučić (Dr. phil., b. 1959), European Philosopher, Writer, Feminist, Translator, Freerider , European Philosopher, Philosophical Practice/Practical Philosophy, Language Analytic Philosophy, Deconstruction, PP Vienna, Austria, Europe


36 years Head of Philosophical Practice Gerhard Kaučić (Dr. phil.) & Anna Lydia Huber (MSc)


Philosophical Practice Vienna, G Kaučić & A L Huber 1989 ff.


Deconstruction enables the relationship to the Other, the relationship to the Other (perhaps) enables deconstruction. The encounter with the Other makes me responsible for the singularity of the Other. For the unpredictability of the Other in being different.


I try to take the other as the other is and I try to recognize what the other is or what it can tell me (could tell me about my otherness). The deconstructive mindset makes me different and an Other.


Perhaps I encounter the Other in a more “real” way, perhaps that means more honestly, perhaps more ethically(!). I'll give it a try.


G K & A L H To contact us use only this email: gack[at]chello.at


Gerhard Anna Concic-Kaucic (author, writer, philosophers, Vienna, Austria),

(“GACK” = Anna Lydia Huber and Gerhard Kaucic )

born 1959 in Austria, live in Vienna.

He grew up in Salzburg, she in Falkenhof (Mühlviertel), Linz (Upper Austria), he/she Paris and Zell am See and he as well as in Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer (Salzburg) and Kufstein (Tyrol).


Both studied comparative literature, history, philosophy and linguistics in Salzburg and Paris, writers and translators since 1983. Numerous adventure trips by bicycle.


1989 Founded a “Grammatological Philosophical Practice” in Salzburg, Obertrum am See and Vienna.

1989 ff. Publication of a ( grammatological ) journal ( Die Grüne F Abyss ) for literature, culture and politics.


Representative of “Viennese postmodernism”, a Viennese variant of “deconstruction” (Jacques Derrida). Narrator, poet, translator, novelist and cultural theorist.


Authors of a deconstruction novel playing on different levels of language, reality and consciousness ( Passagen Vlg. 7 vols. planned, vol. V published 2007 ).


Essays on topics such as writing, grammatology, feminism, cloning, ecology, Japan, Judaism, Arabic culture and literature, religion, Kabbalah, music, architecture, film, network society, sport, transportation, politics, sexuality, philosophical practice, literary theory, postmodernism, semiotics, rationalism, constructivism, deconstruction, différance, psychoanalysis, Kant, Hamann, Nietzsche, Freud, Wollschläger, Derrida, etc.


A big thank you to my practice visitors! 36 years of philosophical practice Gerhard Kaucic



Many thanks to my practice visitors! 36 Years of Philosophical Practice Gerhard Kaucic

( German / English )


Prices, fee / fee amount / costs / price by arrangement / Charge by arrangement


 Payment: cash and invoice


Fee payment: cash and invoice


Confidential individual consultation


A conversation in my philosophical practice lasts 55 minutes and costs between 65 and 115 euros, depending on the social situation and the respective needs (keyword: indoor/outdoor).


A double session costs between 95 and 145 euros, depending on requirements. A three-hour session costs between 155 and 210 euros.


Setting, - confidential “single talk”, confidential “one-to-one conversation”


Up to two people can have a conversation with me. The fee is then calculated according to the number of participants.


Persons in need with a high level of interest are not charged a fee for the first three rounds.


[ Before you write to me/us, before you think about coming to us, please try to think and reflect in your own way: .........What is philosophy? ... What is philosophical ... “practice” ? .......What is it ? ....... What is “is” ? .... “What” “is” a “question” ? ......  What is its precondition?...What causes it?.... Where does it develop from? ... ...


Which “contexts” lead to what we call a “question”? ... Under what circumstances, in what situation, by whom, with what intentions and on the basis of what tacit and unquestioned presuppositions and on the basis of what retentions does what we call “questioning” or something like “the politics of questioning” arise? ) And ! - Is ... “thinking” ...asking !?...Does “philosophical practice” answer ... Questions...?...!... Does ... “Philosophy” ... to questions ? ...

Derrière le miroir” (Jacques Derrida) ........” Semeion Aoristicon“.....” /S/E/M/EI/ON/ /A/OR/IST/I/CON/ “ (Concic-Kaucic) ]



An open letter to people who want to come to my Philosophical Practice :


Dear people ,


dear interested people ( to avoid misunderstandings ! ),


whoever is dreaming of coming to my practice, - I am not a life - coach ! I am not a “ life - coach ” ! ( life advisor / life consultant / life counsellor / lifestyle consultant / teacher )


I do not feel responsible for that ! With the request for understanding.


What happens in my philosophical practice ?


There are many practices and each one is different.


I do not see myself as a “life counselor” or coach.


My practice is more concerned with theory-saturated or at least theory-interested concerns and my task is to deconstruct these theories or their carriers (i.e. my conversation partners, clients or guests), i.e. among other things to lead these/their theories into aporia and thus to unlock the thinking of my conversation partners, which also means to free these people, who are usually very theory-trained, for something new.


Yours sincerely

Gerhard Kaucic


P.S.: Of course there are many philosophical practitioners who see themselves as “life counselors”.


I would prefer not to be a life-coach ! ( in variation and adaptation of H. Melville: “Bartleby, the Scrivener” )


30 Years Jubilee Philosophical Practice Gerhard Kaucic

in English:



A particularly frequently requested field of problematicity:


Explanation aa))) In addition to the topic of “euthanasia, self-determination, economy(including the subjects of euthanasia, assistance, support in dying, active, passive, indirect euthanasia, assisted suicide, problematic issues, etc.).


Explanation ff.) :... ranks the topic “J. Derrida , grammatologist, philosopher, founder of deconstruction , incomprehension of his opponents, dis- and misunderstandings of his followersand the corresponding sub-topic “ Sur:Life ! Food Nutrition Food Enjoyment Animal Consciousness Unconsciousness Ethics Reflection Possibilities Aporias Deconstruction” in my Grammatological Philosophical Practice in Vienna, - and beyond (worldwide), - at the top of the most requested fields of reflection and deconstruction.


Grammatological philosophical practice in Hamburg's Hotel Kempinski on the Alster (( Hamburg, views ! and insights as well as the view of insight and vivifying circumspection including the skyline as a topophotographic event “metropolis on the water”, - the feeling of creating space through the production of “timelessness of the unconscious” and an un/healthy portion of good tasting fried animal meat!)

One can always dream of the animal and the ego, the unconscious and the superior ego, desire, psychoanalysis and its ethics! Of the truth of revelation! From the “right to insight, or the invention of the other” (cf. J. Derrida in “Psyché”)) to “Jacques Derrida, founder of deconstruction, incomprehension of his opponents, dis- and misunderstandings of his followers” ( 07-2014 )



Blogpost: Was ist Philosophische Praxis? (I)Part 1



Blogpost: Was ist Philosophische Praxis? (II) Part 2



Blogpost: Was ist Philosophische Praxis? (III) Part 3




Projects (more cf. blog)


Deconstruction and Philosophical Practice / Philosophical Practice as Deconstruction


The Machine The Man Cyborgs Deconstruction


The Religious Deconstruction Religion and Society


Europeanization Legal Policy Migration Policy Deconstruction, Migration, Politics, Community, Subjects, Relations, The Other


The Political Body and the Other The European Heritage


Film Denken Philosophischer Salon Gerhard Kaučić Djay PhilPrax Gasometer Wien


Tiere sehen Dich an. Dekonstruktion, Verantwortung. Dekonstruktion zum Komplex von Gewalt, Wahn, Traum, Tod und Verantwortung.


MASCHINE MENSCH Roboter Androiden Cyborgs als Subjekt Dekonstruktion


Sexismus und Sexismusdebatten. Begehren und Verantwortung.


Religion und Gesellschaft. Das Religiöse.


ENDURO Sport Fun Erhabenheit.


Jacques Derrida and the deconstruction as philosophical Practice.


Gastfreundschaft. Politik der Freundschaft.


Lebensfreude.  Essen und Genießen!  Wie ernähre ich mich richtig?  Wie lebe ich richtig?


Gegenwartsphilosophie / Philosophische Praxis / Contemporary Philosophy


Autobiographie. "Derrière le miroir" (Jacques Derrida), " Semeion Aoristicon"..." /S/E/M/EI/ON/ /A/OR/IST/I/CON/ " (Concic-Kaucic)


Postmoderne / Wiener Postmoderne / Dekonstruktion.


Haß-Sprech, Haß-Rede, Haßgesellschaft, Haßpolitik. Demokratiefähigkeit.


Europeanization Legal Policy Migration Policy Deconstruction, Migration, Politics, Community, Subjects, Relations, The Other


The Political Body and the Other The European Heritage


Arzt und Patient und seine Krankheit


Hegel besser verstehen / Hegel heute


Beethoven heute


The Religious Deconstruction Religion and Society


The Machine The Man Cyborgs Deconstruction


Europäisierung Rechtspolitik Migrationspolitik Dekonstruktion


Affizierung Immunisierung Autoaffektion Autoimmunität


Schurken Russland Putinismus Schurkenstaat


Rogues, Russia, Putinism, rogue state, war, terror


Ästhetische Erfahrung Radphilosophie Freiheitserfahrung Grenzerfahrung(en)


Theorie Praxis Technik Philosophische Praxis


Suizid, Selbsttötung und Freitod Suizid ja/nein


Todesstrafe Strafrecht Gesellschaft Menschenwürde Menschenrechte


Der Westen, die Anderen. Die Aufklärung.


Musikalische Erfahrung Grammatologie Implikationen


Kant das unreine Denken Apokalypsis


Ausnahmezustand Coronavirus-Krise Freiheitsrechte


Philosophie des Hasses Philosophie des Neides


Wiener Postmoderne/Postmoderne


Recht und Gerechtigkeit Armut Reichtum Überreichtum


Peter Handke und der Nobelpreis für Literatur


Philosophische Praxis als Training


Deconstruction and Philosophical Practice / Philosophical Practice as Deconstruction


Haus der Geschichte Österreich


Dissemination, Dekonstruktion und Philosophische Praxis


différance / (Differänz)


Das Werk und die Wahrheit/Landschaft und Leib


Thesen aus der realen Welt von Flüchtlingen


Was die Rechte will




Österreichische Philosophie der Gegenwart


Französische Philosophie der Gegenwart


Freiheit und Krise. Krise der Freiheit.


Zur Inauguration des US Präsidenten (elect) Donald Trump


Demokratie - Philosophie / Demokratiephilosophie


Tierphilosophie Demokratietheorie


Postanthropozän ( !? ) Philosophie und Praxis


Dekonstruktion. Was ist Dekonstruktion. (!)


In einen Dialog treten. Was ist ein Dialog?!


Hate Speech


Was ist Philosophische Praxis?


Das Attentat. Der Wahnsinn. Die Singularität.


Festung Europa Postkolonialismus Terrorismus Flüchtlinge


Poésie engagée Sprachruf Rufsprache


Übersetzung Sprachen Fremdsprachen Übersetzungstheorien


DDR - Diskurse Unrechtsstaat / Rechtsstaat


Heterozentrismus: "Sexualität Anti-Homosexualität


Israel Judentum Minderheiten Demokratiephilosophie Verfassung


Israels Gründungsmythos Shlomo Sand Die Erfindung des jüdischen Volkes


Identität und Wandel


Kabbalah und die Schrift. Schriftgeschichte. Schrifttheorien.


Zum Begriff der Schrift.


Die Grünen. Das Grüne. Grüne Parteipolitik. Der Abbyss.


Rassismus. Apartheid. Sexismus.


Kind. Erziehung. Psychoanalyse.


Kinderliteratur. Literatur. Kinderkunst. Kunst.


Gewalt und Strafe.


Flüchtlingspolitik. Finanzpolitik. Haßpolitik.


Geopolitik und Weltschrift. Derrida und der Schriftbegriff.


Différ a nce.


Ökonomie und Anökonomie.


Archiv Anarchiv Archivwissenschaft.


Demokratie. Ökonomie. Politik. Philosophie. Die Unberechenbarkeit.


Kontrasexuelle Performanz. Begehren. Queering.


Poptheorie. Kunsttheorie. Architekturtheorie. Politik der Freundschaft.


Was ist Philosophie. Wer denkt, was heißt denken/Denken.


Lehrt man denken. Lehrt man denkend. Lernt man Denken. Gedankengänge.


. Leben. Überleben Euthanasie. Selbstbestimmung. Ökonomie.


Allegorien des Lesens. Was heißt heute: Lesen!


Metaphorologie. Literatur. Sprache. Rhythmus. Tonart. Stimmung.


Rhetorik. Ästhetik. Semiologie. Grammatologie.


Lesbarkeit. Unlesbarkeit. Literarizität. Aporie. Aporetische Semantik.


Kino. Film. Geschwindigkeit.


Körper. Nacktheit. Zivilisation.


Das Werk und die Wahrheit / Landschaft und Leib






Sexism, racism, fascism, cultural-historical considerations and reflections on violence and gender, - limits of mediation, limits of enlightenment, limits of philosophy, limits of psychoanalysis, responsibility and legal consequences up to a necessary future change of legal philosophy and legislation under demand of applied psychoanalytic reflectories as deconstruction.

"Because I'm a Girl."




Körper Philosophie Körperphilosophie


das "eher" Nichtabbildbare !, bzw das Nichtabgebildete einer bildgrammatischen Stratifikationsebene in der Zeit


Fotografie, Photographieren


Denken u. Kino, Semiologie, Sprache und Gedächtnis


Grammatologische Philosophische Praxis. Film und Schrift bzw Film als Text oder die Grammatologie der Affekte und die Lesbarkeit im Ich.


Völkerrecht(e) oder Machtpolitik und Geopolitik. Demokratiephilosophie im Kommen. 


Velozität Volatilität Flüchtigkeit in der Zeit. Televisionen. Internet. Axiomatiken. Gedächtnis. Kultur.


Psychoanalyse und (Homo-) Sexualität; Ödipus und Antiödipus (Deleuze/Guattari); Freiheit Raumerkenntnis Demokratie Sexualität Bewegung Lust; Sexualpolitik Pädagogik Erkenntnis Singularität Individualität Demokratie


De Sade, Freud, Artaud, Genet, Goytisolo, Derrida, Tel quel, Nouveau Roman, Krieg, Leib, Gedächtnis, Archiv

more cf. blog !



Kontakt / Adresse:


Gerhard Kaucic / Djay PhilPrax (Dr. phil.) / Anna Lydia Huber (MSc)


Guglgasse 8


1110 Wien Oesterreich Europa




Philosophical Salon / Philosophical Lounge G Kaucic & AL Huber, Vienna ...   Discourse room, study room, social room, work room, philosophical salon, philosophical lounge, philosophical practice Gerhard Kaučić / Djay PhilPrax (born 1959, Dr.phil.) & Anna Lydia Huber (born 1959, MSc) Gasometer City, Vienna


Philosophischer Salon/Philosophical Lounge G Kaucic & AL Huber Vienna, Austria, - Gerhard Kaučić (*1959), head of a philosophical practice for 36 years in Vienna ( 1989-2025 ff.)



Philosophical Salon / Philosophical Lounge G Kaucic & AL Huber, Vienna ...   Discourse room, study room, social room, work room, philosophical salon, philosophical lounge, philosophical practice Gerhard Kaučić / Djay PhilPrax (born 1959, Dr.phil.) & Anna Lydia Huber (born 1959, MSc) Gasometer City, Vienna



Philosophical Salon / Philosophical Lounge G Kaucic & AL Huber, Vienna ...   Discourse room, study room, social room, work room, philosophical salon, philosophical lounge, philosophical practice Gerhard Kaučić / Djay PhilPrax (born 1959, Dr.phil.) & Anna Lydia Huber (born 1959, MSc) Gasometer City, Vienna




To contact us, please use only these emails:


g.kaucic[at]chello[dot]at   or   gack[at]chello[dot]at


Philosophie Wien / Philosophy Vienna Austria Europe



Contemporary Philosophy


Nicht vollständige Liste unserer Publikationen seit 1986 cf. Google Scholar Profil“: 

Gerhard Kaučić (Dr. phil.), Anna Lydia Huber (MSc) https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=de&user=wNUSN64AAAAJ oder https://web.archive.org/web/20250106202608/https://scholar.google.at/citations?user=wNUSN64AAAAJ&hl=de 


Non-complete overview of our publications since 1986 cf. "Google Scholar Profile": 

Gerhard Kaučić (Dr. phil.), Anna Lydia Huber (MSc) https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=de&user=wNUSN64AAAAJ or https://web.archive.org/web/20250106202608/https://scholar.google.at/citations?user=wNUSN64AAAAJ&hl=de 



Gerhard Anna Cončić-Kaučić




Gerhard Anna Cončić-Kaučić




LinkedIn Gerhard Kaučić: 

36 years Head of a Philosophical Practice in Vienna, Austria, Europe

Philosophische Praxis, gegründet 1989, Dr. Gerhard Kaučić (*1959, Alter 66, 2025) , Philosophischer Praktiker, Gasometer B, Guglgasse 8, 1110 Wien, Austria / Österreich, Europa

Philosophische Praxis Gerhard Kaučić / Djay PhilPrax (Dr. phil.) & Anna Lydia Huber (MSc), geb. 1959, gemeinsamer Praxis-Sitz Wien (seit 1989 ff.) / joint practice location in Vienna



Homepage (Engl./Germ.):




Lebenslauf Biographie Gegenwartsphilosophie Philosophische Praxis



Biographisches, Bio, Vita, Biographie Philosoph:in




Blogger Gerhard Kaučić / Anna Lydia Huber


Unser Blog

Philosophical Practices / Politics / Disseminations Philosophische Praxis G Kaučić & AL Huber https://disseminationsdjayphilpraxkaucic.blogspot.com/ 


Philosophische Praxis als Training





Philosophical Practice as/and Training work-free Education Humanity Future Human Being Democracy




Recht und Gerechtigkeit Armut Reichtum Überreichtum Demokratie Eine Sache der Demokratie (-philosophie)







Freiheit und Krise. Krise der Freiheit.





Deconstruction and Philosophical Practice / Philosophical Practice as Deconstruction








The concept of freedom and its freedoms

On the concept and comprehensibility of freedom 






Philosophische Praxis




cf. Jacques Derrida, Signatur Ereignis Kontext, - in: Randgänge der Philosophie, Wien 1988, S. 291-314 ( Französische Originalausgabe: Marges de la philosophie, Paris 1972 )


Translation into English, Gerhard Kaučić (Dr. phil., b. 1959), European Philosopher, Writer, Feminist, Translator, Freerider , Europäischer Philosoph, Philosophische Praxis/Praktische Philosophie, Sprachanalytische Philosophie, Dekonstruktion, PP Wien, Österreich, Europa


Gerhard  Kaučić, Alter 66, 2025, Anna Lydia Huber, age 66, 2025


Philosoph:in des Denkens der "différance" (cf. J. Derrida, La dissémination. Collection „Tel Quel“ aux Éditions du Seuil, Paris 1972)


To contact us please use only this email:    g.kaucic[at]chello.at


Öffnungszeiten / Hours of opening:  Mo –  Fr:    11 - 20 Uhr


Honorar nach Vereinbarung / Charge by arrangement


Gespräche outdoor/indoor: Grammatologien, Kontextualisierungen, Analysen, Komplizierungen, Plurivalenzen, Dependenzen, Interdependenzen, Grammatiken, Aporien, Dekonstruktion...rund um die Uhr...rund um die Welt...

...around the clock ...around the world...



                                        To contact us, please use only these emails:


                                   g.kaucic[at]chello[dot]at   or   gack[at]chello[dot]at







Contemporary Philosophy



Gerhard Kaučić & Anna Lydia Huber  ( geb. 1959 )  Philosophische Praxis 1989 ff.


                                                                        Anna Lydia Huber

Philosophin, Feministin, Mediatorin, Autorin, Freerider:in, geboren 1959, MSc, Alter 66, 2025

( Mitarbeiterin in der grammatologisch-philosophischen Praxis seit 2009 in Wien und darüber hinaus )

( Associate in the grammatological-philosophical practice since 2009 in Vienna and beyond )


                                                                          Gerhard Kaučić

Philosoph, Feminist, Mediator, Autor, Freerider, geboren 1959, Dr. phil., Alter 66, 2025 

( Leiter (seit 1989) der Philosophischen Praxis Gerhard Kaučić (Dr. phil.) & Anna Lydia Huber (MSc) )

( Head (since 1989) of the Philosophical Practice Gerhard Kaučić (Dr. phil.) & Anna Lydia Huber (MSc) )






               Gerhard Kaučić  (Mountain Bikers, Freeriders, Turbo Levo s works) Anna Lydia Huber


Trailen auf den und auf dem Kahlenberg (Wien, Weidring, Klosterneuburg). Dornröschentrail, Südtiroler Uphill-Trail etc.   Wir hatten einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2025. Ich hoff, Ihr auch.

We are trailing on the Kahlenberg. Dornröschentrail, South Tyrolean Uphill Trail etc.   We had a good start to the year 2025. I hope you did too.


Gerhard Anna (66) auf den und auf dem Kahlenberg im Nebel und bei leichtem Schneegestöber,  - 3 Grad Celsius

Gerhard Anna (66) up and down the Kahlenberg in fog and light snow flurries, - 3 degrees Celsius




                   Gerhard Kaučić  (Mountain Bikers, Freeriders, Turbo Levo s works) Anna Lydia Huber



Trailen auf den und auf dem Kahlenberg. Dornröschentrail, Südtiroler Uphill-Trail etc.   Wir hatten einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2025. Ich hoff, Ihr auch.

Gerhard Anna (66) auf den und auf dem Kahlenberg im Nebel und bei leichtem Schneegestöber,  - 3 Grad Celsius


Trailen auf den und auf dem Kahlenberg (Wien). Dornröschentrail, Südtiroler Uphill-Trail etc.   Wir hatten einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2025. Ich hoff, Ihr auch.

We are trailing on the Kahlenberg. Dornröschentrail, South Tyrolean Uphill Trail etc.   We had a good start to the year 2025. I hope you did too.

Gerhard Anna (66) auf den und auf dem Kahlenberg im Nebel und bei leichtem Schneegestöber,  - 3 Grad Celsius

Gerhard Anna (66) up and down the Kahlenberg in fog and light snow flurries, - 3 degrees Celsius




                   To contact us please use only this email:         g.kaucic[at]chello.at




                                                        Winter-Biker  /   Winter bikers


                                                        Winter-Biker  /   Winter bikers

                      Gerhard Kaučić (Dr. phil., b. 1959), European Philosopher, Writer, Freerider


                                                                   Winter-Biker:in  /   Winter bikers

                            Anna Lydia Huber (MSc, b. 1959)European Philosopher, Writer, Freerider



                   Gerhard Kaučić  (Mountain Bikers, Freeriders, Turbo Levo s works) Anna Lydia Huber




                                        To contact us, please use only these emails:


                                   g.kaucic[at]chello[dot]at   or   gack[at]chello[dot]at 



Philosophische Praxis




cf. Jacques Derrida, Signatur Ereignis Kontext, - in: Randgänge der Philosophie, Wien 1988, S. 291-314 ( Französische Originalausgabe: Marges de la philosophie, Paris 1972 )


Translation into English, Gerhard Kaučić (Dr. phil., b. 1959), European Philosopher, Writer, Feminist, Translator, Freerider , Europäischer Philosoph, Philosophische Praxis/Praktische Philosophie, Sprachanalytische Philosophie, Dekonstruktion, PP Wien, Österreich, Europa


Gerhard  Kaučić, Alter 66, 2025, Anna Lydia Huber, age 66, 2025


Philosoph:in des Denkens der "différance" (cf. J. Derrida, La dissémination. Collection „Tel Quel“ aux Éditions du Seuil, Paris 1972)


To contact us please use only this email:    g.kaucic[at]chello.at


Öffnungszeiten / Hours of opening:  Mo –  Fr:    11 - 20 Uhr


Honorar nach Vereinbarung / Charge by arrangement


Gespräche outdoor/indoor: Grammatologien, Kontextualisierungen, Analysen, Komplizierungen, Plurivalenzen, Dependenzen, Interdependenzen, Grammatiken, Aporien, Dekonstruktion...rund um die Uhr...rund um die Welt...

...around the clock ...around the world...





Landschaft und Leib


Anna Lydia Huber (66, Philosophin) & Gerhard Kaučić (66, Philosoph)  

Summer/winter bike tours 2025 (vv. u. ff.) 


der Philosoph/die Philosophin als Radfahrer:in, die Philosophin/der Philosoph als Radfahrende, der Philosoph/die Philosophin als Fahrende, der Philosoph/die Philosophin als Bewegte und Bewegende, die Philosophin/der Philosoph als Scout   .......   trace ....... Spur .......   Grammatologie    ..........     Dekonstruktion  




                                       Landscape and body



                             Anna Lydia Huber (66, philosopher) & Gerhard Kaučić (66, philosopher) 

                         Summer/winter bike tours 2025 (previous and following)




          the philosopher as cyclist, the philosopher as bicycle rider,

       the philosopher as traveler, the philosopher as moved and moving,                  

the philosopher as scout ...          ....              …..     trace    .......   trail .......

…..   Grammatology  .......

...   ………………………………….     Deconstruction 




                                        To contact us, please use only these emails:


                                   g.kaucic[at]chello[dot]at   or   gack[at]chello[dot]at


The musical experience and its political, social and philosophical-grammatological implications and presuppositions




Mobile Version (read without teaser and footer):



Dekonstruktion   Musik   Dekonstruktion    Musikalische Erfahrung   Dekonstruktion



Deconstruction   Music   Deconstruction    Musical   Experience   Deconstruction 





der Philosoph/die Philosophin als Radfahrer:in, die Philosophin/der Philosoph als Radfahrende, der Philosoph/die Philosophin als Fahrende, der Philosoph/die Philosophin als Bewegte und Bewegende, die Philosophin/der Philosoph als Scout   .......   trace ....... Spur .......   Grammatologie    ..........     Dekonstruktion            

the philosopher as cyclist,         the philosopher as bicycle rider,          the philosopher as traveler, 

the philosopher as moved and moving,                 the philosopher as scout ...          ....              …..     trace    .......   

trail ....  Grammatology ...   Deconstruction   

                                        To contact us, please use only these emails:


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